Thursday, November 12, 2009

20 Pages in a Day

Well, that is the title of the scrapbooking class I took at Pink Pineapple with Jennifer Preist.

That is pretty good if I actually can get all of those done. Not surprisingly it didn’t happen. I started them, does that count??? LOL….of course it is difficult to complete any pages if you didn’t bring any pictures with you!!!

A good thing was I still had the West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval pictures on my pocket camera and they were demo-ing a new picture printer so I got a few samples of the Halloween pictures for one double page!

As for the rest, I guess at some point I would have them done!

I just have to keep reminding myself that I shouldn’t be jealous of the creative people out there having tons of time to work on craft projects. One of the conversations I overheard during the class made me thankful for the fact that I could only fit in a few hours of scrapbooking a month due to the hectic work and life schedule, and it is a blessing that I am busy at work. At least I don’t have to worry if I could afford the utilities bills this month!!! Just be grateful of what I have…


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