Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chinese New Year Dinner @Capital Seafood

This year's Chinese New Year Eve dinner was held at the Capital Seafood in Irvine Spectrum. None of us wanted or able to afford the time to host it at home. It is only appropriate to have a Chinese meal for this evening. Since it is really a distance to travel for a meal in the Alhambra area. So we settled for Irvine, especially when some of us had to work until 6pm.

I arrived at Vanessa's early. For reason unbeknownst to me but obviously to Duncan, he wanted to go pick up pau pau (my mom, his grandmon) with me instead of waiting to go with daddy and mommy. Yes, I found out not too long later, this little devil somehow thought I promised to give him a surprise gift. Well one way or another, grandma was very very pleased to see Duncan came along to pick her up, so a surprise gift is a small token grandma is very willing to offer!


Our normal routine ... have a big meal, then pass out the red packages to the kids and grand ma. There was a bit of mixed up with the red packages. It took like 3 counts to straight out whose's whom...too many kids, too many packages to count since each couple gave two to each child.

The littlest nephew, shy from the crowd.


Here is a picture of the happiest mommy collecting the red packages.


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