Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I wasn’t sure how this year’s Thanksgiving dinner would come together until the day before. As you can tell by now, forward planning hadn’t really happen to me lately!!!

I knew I needed a turkey, but from where??? And I got to really do this the day before so I could marinate it overnight…How do I get a juicy bird??? Last year, Fran and I soaked the turkey in brine overnight and it was very moist. I figured I could just repeat that this year. Then what bird? Butterball (my usual), just anything on sales, or something different…well, let’s tried a free range turkey from Sprout Market (and a jar of brine mix). It was definitely more costly…but until I tried it, I wouldn’t know if there is a true difference….

Report card from mom: Yes, mom thought there was a difference between this and last year’s bird. She would know as she always complains about the hormones induced chickens in the states here compared to the free range ones in Asia. She doesn’t like the chickens here.

As for the sides and dessert, there were plenty once again. And they were DELICIOUS.

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Pecan and Marshmallow Streusel
Cranberry, Apple and Ginger Chutney (I added pineapple too)
Best Ever Green Bean Casserole
Pumpkin Crème Brulee Pie
Homemade Whipped Cream

The kids went to Chris’s parents first on Thanksgiving Day but they had Chinese food instead the usual western TD fares.

Not that they were hungry, but they were definitely attracted more to gobble gobble. Caden was so happy to see the plate of turkey and actually ate quite a bit. I got a shot of Makayla staring at her brother’s plate of turkey before she got hers….very very cute.

And the funny faces posing in front of the pumpkin cream burlee pie. Kids are kids, always add laughs to any family gathering….

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